Manufacturer & Tech Company
A diversified global manufacturing and technology company, who offers a wide range of products and services in the industrial, commercial, and consumer markets.
Customer Challenge
- A diversified global manufacturing and technology company, who offers a wide range of products and services in the industrial, commercial, and consumer markets.
- Widely recognized for their engineering capabilities and management excellence, delivered through their Process Management, Industrial Automation, Network Power, Climate Technologies, and Commercial & Residential Solutions businesses
- Generate a central platform from which all data flowed to suppliers and from suppliers
- Platform would be built by mode (Air 4PL, Ocean 4PL, Landside 4PL)
- Game change requirements from silo point to point shipping, to collaborative network optimization
- Reduce overall logistics cost through mode selection and optimization
- Access strategic supply chain options through data 4pl intelligence
DDC Solutions
Development Of 4pl Platform
- Specification of build and deployment
- Connectivity gateway for switch on / switch off options on 3pl provider
- Control Tower dashboard build / Report / data intelligence output to client
Implementation Plan
- Phase development to match Oracle roll out (1 to 3 years & 3 to 6)
- Managing transaction volumes / allocation commitments
- Training needs analysis & Training Plan (Suppliers)
- Our ‘screening’ considerations between 4pl Control Tower & Operational footprint
Cost Savings Strategy
- Interaction with E-bid platforms
- Priority actions on cost saving options post 4pl ‘go live’ & Low hanging fruit

The Impact
Development Of 4PL Platform
- Faster development and delivery than plan
- Connectivity gateway concept with adaptable options
- Global / Regional dashboard functionality
- Reporting suite, layered to user ‘scope’
Implementation Plan
- Oracle roll out map achieved
- Transaction / allocation model developed
- Training plan achieved, user certification model
- Our screening model completed (ISCS)
Cost Savings Strategy
- E bid link model developed
- Low hanging fruit
- PO target date allocation
- PO to Mode Allocation decision making
- Service model, decision data, execution performance
- Branch work & heartwood
- Inventory strategy and pattern / network simplification