Case Study

E-Commerce B2C Infrastructure

Customer Enterprise Platform Build

Customer Challenge

  • New starter B2C organization
  • Produces and supplies hydration bottles to athletics and fitness market
  • Activity primarily in USA, UK and Australia
  • ‘Go to market’ coincided with Covid 19
  • E-store setup and active, but no ERP, or supplier integrations were in place
  • Effectively blind to progress of orders and product supply, transit visibility, warehouse activity or distribution to customer
  • High level of customer claims for ‘not received’, ‘mis-picks’, delayed service
  • No product consumption intelligence, or links to store activity

DDC Solutions

  • Establish organizational design of necessary apps and functions, to fit to a specific budget

  • Undertake application reviews and selection procedure, support implementation and connection of selected application

  • Priorities suppliers to link and network with new ERP platform, output of data to central data lake

  • Connect key supply chain partners with network, to create in transit visibility, as well as warehouse pick & dispatch progress, and final distribution

  • Utilized

  • Spotify, Fishbowl, Log-net, Infor 10x, Data lake, Microsoft PBI

    The Impact

    • Customer enterprise platform deployed and activated in 6 months
    • Electronic business model through all key stages of company activity (customer purchase, demand planning, supplier ordering, shipment planning and execution, in transit visibility, order picks and delivery)
    • Improved order fulfilment by 76%, right 1st time
    • Processing time between order and delivery fell from 102 days to 73 days
    • Lower inventory levels stored, shorter Return On Inventory days
    • Fact based decision making
    • Operation moved into Profit for 1st time in month 5
    • Revenue capture from sales stabilized at 21% margin, cancellations and refunds fell to their lowest level.